Also called “ The Gideon,” we believe that every man is called by God to be a leader of his own family; a leader that fights day-by-day the battle of faith. To help achieve this purpose, men get together from time to time to pray one for another, to share their personal testimony of how they have experienced the power of God, to praise and worship together, and to listen the word of God by sharing the bible.
Sometimes we just get together to have a cook out, so we can fellowship with new men so we can help them to know God. Other activities include getting together to assist others in need such as roof repair, painting and so on.
(>21 years old)
Paul gave directions to Timothy saying, "Let no man despise thy youth, but be thou an example of the believers." 1 Timothy 4:12. In the Young Adults Ministry we help each person to have a personal relationship with Christ, and help this relation develop in their lives. In this way they develop to be an example to the world. Every Wednesday they have their service where they are motivated by other young adults to pray, worship and to study the bible. They also go out together out to eat so they can get to know each other in a Christian atmosphere.
(3 months - 2 years)
Also called “The class of Moses.” Knowing the importance of the baby’s first months of life, our ministry offers a secure place so that the babies may start to grow and develop their feelings in a atmosphere of games and activities with a Christian focus. While their parents are listening the word of God in the sanctuary, our babies are learning with their teachers and other children. Our babies start early life in a Christian atmosphere of the church and loving families. (This ministry is available in each service.)
We understand that the woman is the lady of the house, the wife, mom and a hard worker. But first of all she is a daughter of God.
It doesn’t matter in which area she works; she will always find a group of friends in women's Minsitry. By the word of God, and praying for each other, we help you work in the area God has called you to. There is always someone to share with, and also ladies can learn about cooking and other interests because we have activities outside and inside the church in which we get together to cook and fellowship. We also help other ministries and activities with food.
Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies. - Proverbs 31:10
(13 years - 20 years)
These days our youth face all sorts of difficulties. With the help of the local church and family, our Youth Ministry helps a new generation face the difficulties of this world and prepares them to open themselves in the society with the principles and values of our faith. Each youth is guided to discover their own identity and purpose inside the Kingdom of God and for the rest of their lives. Youth get together every Sunday during Sunday school class, and there is a dedicated time for them where they can pray, worship and to talk with others about their own interests. Youth also participate in different activities outside the church throughout the year.
There are two full worship teams where anyone who has a musical gift and a desire is given the opportunity to serve. The band is led by a Worship Leader and the singing is led by various members.
When we have healthy couples, families are healthy. If families are healthy, the church and the community are healthy. For this reason the pastors Gervacio and Alejandra Ceja have established meetings where only couples are welcome (no children). This is a special time where couples get to know other couples. Throughout conferences, dinings-out, retreats and church meetings, we try to created strong couples with values and beliefs based in the word of God.
(2 years - 12 years)
This ministry is to help parents in the guiding and developing their children. Throughout the classes children can learn about the different people of the bible, pray, memorize verses and learn song-related topics each day. The topics are developed according to their age and their daily life needs.
We have different classes according to age.
Samuel’s Class (2 yrs - 4 yrs)
David’s Class (5 yrs - 8 yrs)
Elisha’s Class (9 yrs - 12 yrs)
(Classes are available only during the Sunday school class.)
Manantial de Vida Latino church in Valdosta, GA understands that our youth are our future!
A full-time couple serves as Senior Pastors with a volunteer Associate Pastor. Others in the congregation who have the gift of preaching or teaching are allowed to speak at various times. Also, the youth leader is allowed to speak. Outside guest speakers also speak on occasion.
Manantial de Vida is a Hispanic & Spanish church in Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia and one of the leading churches in Valdosta, GA caring for and working with the interdenominational and multicultural Spanish, Hispanic, Latino, and Mexican communities.