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Our Promise to You

​​Besides our desire to lead the lost to a saving knowledge of Jesus Christ, our desire is to welcome the Mexican and Latino community to an inter-denominational, multi-cultural, warm, friendly Spanish church family in Valdosta, Georgia where you will be accepted and loved, regardless of your faith.​​

We promise you a spiritual atmosphere where you will be free to worship the Lord and a place where you can be spiritually nourished, taught, trained, discipled, and equipped to better serve the Lord.​​

To be a spring of life for our community and the poor and needy.

Reaching Lives with a message of Hope.

Ministering to our members while performing specific community outreach.

Meeting spiritual and physical needs with focus on the Hispanic, Latino, Spanish, and Mexican communities.

Manantial de Vida - A Leading Hispanic and Spanish Church in Valdosta GA

Learn all about Manantial de Vida and how we can serve you here!

Find out how Spanish churches in Valdosta, GA reach our community and support their needs with a wide range of services.

Read about our ministries for our members. From men's studies to ladies' ministries, youth & children, we've got you covered! 

Manantial de Vida is a Hispanic & Spanish church in Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia and one of the leading churches in Valdosta, GA caring for and working with the interdenominational and multicultural Spanish, Hispanic, Latino, and Mexican communities.

​​Llámenos (Call us):

1 229 219 8459

Encuéntrenos (Find us): 

100  Conoley Avenue

Valdosta, GA 31601

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