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Who We Are

We are Manantial De Vida Iglesia, Inc. We are a multi-cultural, inter-denominational Hispanic church in Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia caring for the hispanic, Mexican and latino communities and are not affiliated with any other denomination. We have an ecclesiastical form of government and are a family-oriented church where we try to meet the spiritual needs of the individual as well as the whole family. We conduct regular worship services and religious instruction such as Bible studies and Sunday School where we try to equip the congregation to participate as we reach out to the community with the love of Jesus.


As we stated, we are a multicultural and inter-denominational church, and we welcome people from all faiths and want you to be comfortable. You don’t have to dress-up or wear a suit as many attendees prefer casual attire.


English interpretation is available when needed via electronic headset while an interpreter sits quietly on the front row and speaks into a transmitter. This gives an easy translation without interruption of the speaker.

Our Guiding Principles

We draw guidance for our endeavors from the following:

"When the poor and the needy seek water, and there is none, and their tongue fails for thirst, I the Lord will hear them, I the God of Israel will not forsake them. I will open rivers in the high places, and fountains in the midst of the valleys: I will make the wilderness a pool of water, and the dry land springs of water."

- Isaiah 41: 17-18

We seek first to apply these principles to our membership, seeking to meet their personal, family and friends' physical, social and spiritual needs. Next we seek to offer our membership guidance, support, leadership, and resources so that they may, in turn, do the same for others through our outreach programs to our surrounding communities.

Our History

This church began with one family of about 12-15 people from Mexico who had a desire to have a place where they would be free to worship and praise the Lord. An old, abandoned church was rented on the south side of the City. We started using the talent we had in this small  Hispanic church in Valdosta, GA and, to our surprise, we found we had musicians, teacher and preachers. We started meeting as a church and God supplied all the needs. The church began to grow and soon the building was too small and God gave us a vision to build Him a beautiful sanctuary where the community could come together to worship and praise Him as well as have fellowship with other brothers and sisters.

In November 2009, the new sanctuary was built and God met every need as the building took place. The congregation is fluid and, although people move in and out, the average attendance continues to be between 100 and 150 people.

​The church is now about eleven years old, is growing, and various ministries and charities are expanding.

Church in 2002

Church at present

Our Purpose and Vision

Manantial De Vida Church is a local expression of the body of Christ. The church is committed to the Holy Bible as its final authority for issues of faith and practice. Delegated authority under the Lord Jesus Christ rests in the responsible oversight of the Pastor and Elders of the church.

It is our purpose to be involved in the spreading of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to the whole world through all available means. All activities shall be conducted in such a manner that the Lord Jesus Christ will be recognized in His position as Head of the Church.

God has a plan and destiny for everyone. This destiny cannot be lived out in isolation, but only by being connected in relationship with God and one another. Hence, we believe there is a place for everyone – a place as part of a local church, a place to develop true friendships, a place to be fulfilled, and a place to serve, a church home and a spiritual family.

We desire to see every part of the life of the church moving forward: assisting the needy (food bank, clothes closet), discipling others, and reaching out to the community and the nations. We believe that in Jesus Christ there is a place for everyone, and that includes you!

What We Believe

  • The Holy Bible is divinely inspired – both Old and New Testament

  • In One God

  • That man is a sinner, lost and undone without God.  Also that man can be forgiven and know God through His Son Jesus Christ

  • In the Divinity and Humanity of Jesus Christ

  • In the Blood Atonement

  • In the bodily resurrection and ascension of Jesus Christ

  • In the Second Coming

  • In salvation

  • In the Holy Spirit

  • In Heaven and HellIn the local church
    In a separated life

  • In divine healing

  • In the ordinances of the church which are three: water baptism, communion and the blessings of marriage

  • In the Priesthood of the believer



  • In government of the church consisting of Elders and Pastors with trans-local apostolic oversight.

  • In giving of tithes and offerings

  • In Christ-likeness

  • In being Spirit-led

  • In covenant relationship

  • In Discipleship

  • In the individual either single or married

  • In integrity

  • In the Kingdom of God

  • In the Mercy and Grace of God

  • In prayer

  • In the pursuit of God

  • In reality and excellence

  • In servant leadership

  • In simplicity (operate in natural low key, non-hype pattern)

  • In unity

  • In the gifts of the Spirit operating in the church (I Corinthians 13:28)

What You May Expect

You will see us lift hands; Psalm 63:4

You will see us clap hands; Psalm 47:1

You may hear a prophecy; I Corinthians 14:3

You will see us Stand to sing; II Chronicles 20:19
You will see musical instruments; Psalm 150:3-5

You will hear us give audible praise to God; Psalm 34:1

Your may hear us sing in the Spirit; I Corinthians 14:14-15

You will hear us sing choruses and hymns; Ephesians 5:18

You will see us anoint with oil and pray for the sick; James 5:14
You will hear the whole church pray for a specific need; Acts 4:24
We may have speaking in tongues with interpretation; I Corinthians;14:39

You may hear someone blow the shofar at various times (a Ram’s horn); II Chronicles 15:14

If you wonder why we have this type of worship, God is a Spirit and they that worship Him, must worship in Spirit and in truth; John 4:23-24
You won’t see hymn books.  We have two overhead screens on each side of the  sanctuary with the words projected on them and maybe in Spanish and English
You won’t see us take up an offering, but we will give you an opportunity to bring your offering to the altar and present it to the Lord; I Chronicles 16:29 If you are a guest, you aren’t expected to give.


Meet Our Pastors and Their Wives


Senior Pastor Gervacio (Carlos) and Alejandra Ceja

Pastor Gervacio is an ordained minister under Christian Alliance Ministries.  Alejandra also has a degree in ministry from John Wesley Seminary.  They have pastored the church from the beginning – about 11 years.  They have three handsome boys and live just south of Valdosta.


Associate Pastor Josue and wife, Maria Matias.

Pastor Matias serves as our volunteer Associate Pastor and also as Music Director of Manantial de Vida Hispanic church in Valdosta, GA. Maria serves in Women's Minsitries and as an alternate for leading worship.


Services Schedule

We offer a variety of services for our congregation’s convenience with nursery provided.

Saturday Worship Service

7:00 PM


Sunday Morning Sunday School

10:00 AM


Sunday Afternoon Worship Service*

4:00 PM


Wednesday Youth Service

7:00 PM


Thursday Prayer Meeting

7:00 PM

*Communion is served on the first Sunday of every month during the 4:00PM service.

Our Video & Photos
Main Gallery: Click thumbnail to view full image.



Click to play our video.

Events Gallery: Click thumbnail to view full image.

Manantial de Vida is a Hispanic & Spanish church in Valdosta, Lowndes County, Georgia and one of the leading churches in Valdosta, GA caring for and working with the interdenominational and multicultural Spanish, Hispanic, Latino, and Mexican communities.

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